Economic Opportunity CoalitionCURRENT INITIATIVECreating wealth in underserved communities U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas
Food is MedicineCURRENT INITIATIVEUnlocking the power and potential of good food to improve health outcomes Food U.S. & the Americas
Invest in Our FutureCURRENT INITIATIVESupporting clean energy priorities in historically marginalized communities U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas
Mobilizing Private Capital for ImpactFORMER INITIATIVEPromoting partnerships to spur greater investment in low-income communities across the country U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas
The Periodic Table of FoodCURRENT INITIATIVEEmpowering data-driven solutions to food system challenges Food U.S. & the Americas
Scaling Solutions for WorkersFORMER INITIATIVEAdvancing public policies proven to boost earnings for America's working families U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas
Tax PolicyCURRENT INITIATIVEBuilding a just and equitable tax system U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas
The Power of ProcurementCURRENT INITIATIVELeveraging institutional purchasing power to expand access to nutritious, locally produced foods Food U.S. & the Americas