
Oct 26 2023
Ian Goldin
Bellagio Residency: June 2023 Project: "Migration: Past, present and future" Ian Goldin is a global expert in international development. Goldin came to Bellagio in June 2023 to write a book about the …
Oct 26 2023
Darrick Hamilton
Bellagio Residency: June 2023 Project: "Building Human Rights Economies" Darrick Hamilton is an economist and public intellectual. Hamilton came to Bellagio in June 2023 to work on a book, framing the principles …
Oct 26 2023
Reema Nanavaty
Bellagio Residency: July 2023 Project: "Climate Shocks: Bringing resilience of poor informal sector Women Workers" Reema Nanavaty has been a global leader addressing the rights and livelihoods of informal workers for more …
Oct 26 2023
Gabriella Gómez-Mont
Bellagio Residency: May 2023 Project: "Cities, Communities, Care" Gabriella Gómez-Mont is the founder and CEO of Experimentalista, a novel type of nomadic and creative office specialized in cities – that constantly shifts …
Oct 26 2023
Carlos P. Santos-Burgoa Z
Bellagio Residency: August 2023 Project: "Public Health Protection Comparative Analysis: towards building critical value." Carlos Santos-Burgoa is a leading global health scholar and medical doctor. In academia, he was Dean of Mexico's …
Oct 26 2023
Nancy Gertner
Bellagio Residency: November 2023 Project: "Incomplete Sentences" Nancy Gertner is a former U.S. federal judge, appointed by President Bill Clinton to the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts in 1994, and has built …
Oct 26 2023
David Scheffer
Bellagio Residency: November 2023 Project: "The Original Intent of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Reflections of a Founding Father" David Scheffer is a distinguished international lawyer, scholar, and diplomat …
Oct 25 2023
Apiwat Ratanawaraha
Bellagio Residency: November 2023 Project: "Triple Decoupling and Development Dilemmas: Imagining and Implementing Green and Just Urban Transitions in Thailand" Dr. Apiwat Ratanawaraha is a scholar and urban planner focused on urban …
Oct 25 2023
Reuben Jonathan Miller
Bellagio Residency: November 2023 Project: "The Least of These: Empire, Freedom and the Many Uses of Violence" Reuben Jonathan Miller is an award-winning scholar and author on issues of crime, punishment, racism, …
Oct 25 2023
Steve Davis
Bellagio Residency: November 2023 Project: "Developing New Models and Mechanisms for the Digital Revolution in Global Health & Development to Reach Everyone" Steve Davis is a global multisectoral leader working at the …