Fellowships & Convenings/

The Big Bets
Climate Fellowship

Meet the emerging leaders finding solutions to climate change

A transformational fellowship for a sustainable future.

As part of our overall commitment to invest $1B to reverse the climate crisis, we established an annual Fellowship to equip leaders with the mindset and skills needed to advance climate solutions with breakthrough potential.

Each year, we select a diverse and interdisciplinary cohort of emerging leaders who are working to reverse the climate crisis and accelerate opportunity for the most vulnerable.

Through a combination of experiential and applied learning, inspirational programming, cohort and network building, and personal development, we designed the fellowship to set leaders and their climate solutions on a trajectory for bold impact now and into the future. More information about how to apply for our next cohort will be available soon through our Big Bets Community – join here.

Featured Content

For its inaugural year in 2024, the fellowship included 16 leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean who are developing scalable climate solutions to improve the lives of underserved communities. Here are their stories.

  • The work of these 16 fellows flips the script: the Global South is not just a hotspot for climate change challenges, but a powerhouse for innovative solutions.
    Nathalia Arcencio de Marchi dos Santos
    Manager, Convenings & Networks
    The Rockefeller Foundation

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