
Oct 26 2023
George Pavlov
Bellagio Residency: August 2023 Project: "Climate Strategy" George Pavlov is a leader in business and philanthropy, working in the investment business for 25 years. George has public company, private company and not …
Oct 25 2023
Apiwat Ratanawaraha
Bellagio Residency: November 2023 Project: "Triple Decoupling and Development Dilemmas: Imagining and Implementing Green and Just Urban Transitions in Thailand" Dr. Apiwat Ratanawaraha is a scholar and urban planner focused on urban …
Oct 25 2023
Lesly Goh
Bellagio Residency: October 2023 Project: "Innovation Hub to Maximize Biodiversity Benefits for Building Green Economies" Lesly Goh is a distinguished international policy advisor working to leverage data and technology innovations in emerging …
Oct 25 2023
Alex Godoy-Faúndez
Bellagio Residency: August 2023 Project: "Regional model of collaborative emissions abatement by shared NDCs" Alex Godoy-Faúndez is a widely published scholar and international advisor and advocate for sustainability. He has served as …
Oct 25 2023
Josh Karliner
Bellagio Residency: July 2023 Project: "Transformational systems change: building a decarbonized, climate resilient and more equitable health care sector" Josh Karliner is an expert in international organizing, writing, public speaking, and advocacy …
Oct 25 2023
Maja Groff
Bellagio Residency: July 2023 Project: "Action Plan for the Responsibility Chain Process: a multi-stakeholder governance model to clean up key global commodity chains for forest protection" Maja Groff, Esq. is a renowned …
Oct 24 2023
Panch Alvarez
Bellagio Residency: May 2023 Project: "Seasonal Adversities: An Ekphrastic Graphic Poetry Collaboration" Panch Alvarez is a multidisciplinary artist, author, illustrator, and visual communicator. His work has been featured in multiple solo and …
Oct 24 2023
Joel M. Toledo
Bellagio Residency: May 2023 Project: "Seasonal Adversities: An Ekphrastic Graphic Poetry Collaboration" Joel M. Toledo is an award-winning author and poet who has published five books of poems, and whose work have …
Oct 24 2023
Amy Chester
Bellagio Residency: May 2023 Project: "Uniting a divided climate movement to leverage economic investments for the most physically and socially vulnerable" Amy Chester is an expert climate adaptation practitioner with more than …
Oct 24 2023
Manuel Pastor
Bellagio Residency: April 2023 Project: "Green Justice: Excavating the Future in “Lithium Valley”" Dr. Manuel Pastor is a distinguished sociologist and scholar focused on economic, environmental, and social conditions facing low-income urban …