Reports / Reports

Digital Jobs in Africa: Catalyzing Inclusive Opportunities for Youth

The positive economic impact of the Internet is well known. Mobile and Internet platforms have increased access to improved agriculture, education, health, and governance services by otherwise underserved communities. Beyond improving delivery of key social services, information communication technology (ICT) is generating transformative growth—growth that creates sustainable pathways out of poverty.

Digital Jobs Africa is a Rockefeller Foundation initiative that aims to impact 1 million lives in six countries in Africa by catalyzing sustainable ICT-enabled employment opportunities and skills training for high potential but disadvantaged African youth, thereby generating social and economic opportunities for those employed, their families and communities. The initiative is built on the shared recognition that, as Africa’s economic growth continues, the digital economy will have a net positive impact on jobs and income generation, particularly for youth.

Africa’s leading firms, development institutions, and governments are all exploring ways to generate employment opportunities for the millions of disadvantaged youth who are marginalized from the formal workforce each year. Digital Jobs Africa focuses on the untapped opportunities that will facilitate the growth of the digital economy in Africa and get these youth into jobs.

As part of this study, Dalberg investigated:

  1. Where Africa’s digital economy will create new employment opportunities; and
  2. How like-minded partners can co-invest to maximize the impact of this job creation for disadvantaged youth.

This study provides a sample of the findings and potential opportunities at a regional level. It shines a spotlight on the tremendous potential for digitally-driven job creation in Africa and discusses the opportunities and challenges for investors and stakeholders alike.