
Awarded Nov 14-2023
United States Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Inc. 2023
in support of ecosystem research on the U.S. reforestation value chain to help to develop and refine innovative investment strategies and market infrastructure that address systemic bottlenecks, and to improve the understanding of the environmental and social impacts of land use
    Awarded Nov 30-2023
    Pollination Capital Partners, LLC 2023
    in support of an effort to frame, landscape, and share innovative financing mechanisms that address financing gaps in and promote solutions for regenerative food production in order to help lower and sequester greenhouse gas emissions, improve biodiversity and enhance climate resilience globally
      Awarded Oct 24-2023
      Elemental Excelerator, Inc. 2023
      in support of a national funding vehicle to scale critical decarbonization technologies for climate and community benefit in the U.S.
        Awarded Nov 01-2022
        New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation 2022
        in support of an effort to demonstrate financing pathways for high performance buildings in low- and moderate-income communities in New York thereby equipping vulnerable communities to adapt to the changing climate.
          Awarded Nov 18-2022
          Bridges Impact Foundation 2022
          in support of an effort to build market-wide consensus on a common set of elements in an impact performance reporting verification methodology used by investors to help ensure that specific impact considerations are uniformly integrated within investment structuring such that investments ultimately achieve measurable positive change in people’s lives and communities
            Awarded Nov 23-2022
            Nature Conservancy 2022
            toward the costs of an accelerator program to generate sustainable revenue from carbon sales or investment in an effort to address climate change and biodiversity loss
              Awarded Jan 28-2022
              Ownership Works, Inc. 2022
              toward the costs of an effort to (1) partner with public and private companies to implement innovative shared ownership programs; and (2) help establish broad-based shared ownership as the preferred model for employee equity plans, in order to extend wealth-building opportunities to all employees and thereby address the wealth gap that underlies economic insecurity among workers in the United States
                Awarded Oct 13-2021
                Blue Forest Conservation 2021
                in support of efforts to build capacity and launch an innovative financial solution to catalyze forest management on National Forest System lands
                  Awarded Oct 26-2021
                  New Venture Fund 2021
                  for use by the Tipping Point Fund toward the costs of a donor collaborative to fund field building infrastructure that will support the growth and practice of impact investing