
Apr 18 2022
Alexis Feeney Tallman
Alexis Feeney Tallman joined The Rockefeller Foundation in April 2022 as Director of Global Covid-19 Response and Recovery where she leads cross-functional workstreams to execute the Foundation’s Global Vaccination Initiative …
May 13 2020
Gregory Kuzmak
Greg Kuzmak joined The Rockefeller Foundation in May 2020 and serves as a Director within the Health Initiative, leading the Climate and Health Financing Initiative, as well as digital health …
Jul 29 2019
Emilia Carrera
Emilia Carrera serves as a Director for the Health Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation. In her role, Emilia develops and manages a portfolio focusing on responding to the impact of …
Jul 09 2019
Estelle Willie
Estelle joined The Rockefeller Foundation in 2019 and serves as the Director of Health Policy and Communications. She is a leading media and global health strategist, and an expert at …
May 23 2018
Naveen Rao, MD Dr. Naveen Rao is the Senior Vice President of the Health Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation where he leads the Foundation’s efforts to shape the field of Climate and Health, …