
Jul 10 2024
Impact Report 2023
Unlocking Finance
We are working to tap new sources of capital for renewable energy while funding partners committed to global ecological restoration.
Jun 28 2024
Learning Today to Transform Opportunity Tomorrow
This report chronicles The Rockefeller Foundation’s journey in 2023 to reimagine our work and learn from past successes and shortcomings, all with the goal of improving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable and underserved populations.
Apr 12 2024
Getting It Done: Addressing Climate Change will Take Bold Reforms
The upcoming Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, D.C. will decide whether major economies and financial institutions will take bold steps to reform global finance, crucial for addressing climate change and development financing challenges.
Apr 17 2023
Creating a Climate Revolution
It was the day after the first rainfall in three months. Kenyan farmers sprang up on the fields like hopeful seedlings, praying aloud for more showers. After two and a half …