Reports / Reports

Standard Process of Heat Stress Prevention at Work for Workers

Vietnam is a country being affected by increasingly severe climate change. This is particularly
evident in the increase in average temperature and heat waves, which have increased both in
intensity and maximum temperature.

In assessing the need for action to reduce the thermal impact on workers and reduce labor
insecurity caused by the heat, COHED Centre has developed this document “Standard process of heat
stress prevention at work for workers”within the framework of the project funded by the Rockefeller
Foundation. Participation and positive contributions have been received from the Labour Safety
Department of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Department of Labour,
Invalids and Social Affairs of Da Nang.

This document is issued for the purpose of guiding and supporting businesses to take measures and
specific actions to prevent and adapt to the effects of heat in their production and business
activities. The document also suggests specific activities for each department’s participation in a
model of work Health and Safety, organization and management that Vietnamese enterprises have
deployed under the provisions of the State of Vietnam.

COHED Center is pleased to thank the professionals, agencies and organizations that have
contributed to the compilation of this document. We are especially pleased to acknowledge the
effective and practical contribution made by the enterprises in Da Nang in compiling this document.