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Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Mar 05 2024
Climate and Health Financing Needs
On behalf of the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH), The Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with the World Health Organization, conducted in-depth interviews with eight countries to better understand climate and health priorities, experiences, and current unmet needs to accessing financing for climate and health solutions. The findings were released at the ATACH Annual Meeting in March 2024.
Finance Health Global
Feb 15 2024
Scaling the JETP Model – Prospects and Pathways for Action
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Environmental Defense Fund collaborated on Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP). A report outlines four strategies to overcome challenges and enhance JETP, promoting inclusive progress and environmental resilience.
Power Global
Dec 19 2023
17 Rooms: Forging Next Steps Into the SDG Second Half 2023 Flagship Synthesis
In 2015, global leaders aimed for a fairer, greener world by 2030 with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite challenges like Covid-19 and climate crises, the 17 Rooms initiative promotes sustainable development. In the 2023 flagship event, 17 working groups, each focused on an SDG, devised actionable leadership strategies for 12-18 months.
Technology & Innovation Global
Nov 29 2023
Climate Change and Health: Exploring the Global South’s Leadership
Climate change disproportionately affects the Global South due to underinvestment hindering economic growth and health. Despite challenges, there's a rising interest in credible solutions. This report highlights opportunities for the Global South to lead and gain policy advancements by focusing on climate and health discussions in multilateral forums.
Health Global
Nov 29 2023
Vulnerable Populations in a Warming World: Four Futures Explored
There is a clear path forward on the climate front that achieves rapid decarbonization combined with a swift scale-up in renewable energies. The strategy, laid out in this new Rockefeller Foundation analysis of data from 190 countries, can keep global warming to acceptable limits this century while sparking a revolution in energy access.
Climate Global
Jul 21 2023
Zero Gap Fund: State of the Portfolio 2022
The Rockefeller Foundation's Zero Gap Fund (ZGF) invests in innovative solutions for global challenges, partnering with the Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3) to attract private investment. Notable 2022 investments include tech startups and resilient enterprises in Ukraine and Moldova. The fund's 2022 State of the Portfolio report highlights its impact, demonstrating catalytic capital's role in mobilizing private investment for positive global change.
Innovative Finance Global
May 25 2023
Defining the Path to Zero Hunger in an Equitable World
The global food crisis, fueled by climate change, conflict, and high prices, has reversed decades of progress against hunger and malnutrition, affecting over 345 million people in 2023. Led by Catherine Bertini, the first of four reports from The Rockefeller Foundation’s Global Nutrition Security portfolio identifies obstacles like silos and myopic priorities and suggests solutions to create sustainable, equitable, and nourishing food systems.
Food Global