Reports / Reports

Three Steps to Smart Covid-19 Testing: A Guide for Employers

A new report by the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, with support from The Rockefeller Foundation, provides businesses and organizations with three key steps to develop customized Covid-19 testing plans that will help reduce spread of Covid-19 in the workplace and keep workers, customers, and others as healthy as safe as possible.

A routine testing plan can help keep employees from transmitting Covid-19 to each other and to customers. Catching infections early can reduce absenteeism and make workers more comfortable with the COVID mitigation measures in place, keeping businesses open and productive.

  • Report

    Three Steps to Smart Covid-19 Testing: A Guide for Employers

    While there is no ideal one-size-fits-all testing strategy, this guide walks businesses and organizations through three key steps to shape a testing plan best suited to the organization’s needs:1) assessing risk; 2) choosing the best testing strategy; and 3) putting testing strategies into action.
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