116 Search Result Items
- PerspectiveWhether we are working to improve the profits of business, build livable and resilient …
- PerspectiveMobile technologies are giving smallholder farmers and fishermen real-time access to critical market information. …
- PerspectiveAn example of this is when the Foundation provided a guarantee to Centenary Rural …
- PerspectiveAgainst this backdrop, the Rockefeller Foundation is exploring techniques to ensure that two …
- PerspectiveThe sessions revealed many insights, including the need to rethink and reframe incentives for …
- Press ReleasesIt sources produce from thousands of smallholder farmers in central and western Uganda. …
- SpeechesIn the event of insufficient rainfall, the scheme compensates Ethiopian smallholder farmers, who pay …
- Perspectivesmallholder farmers, who constitute the bulk of the sector across our continent, are …
- Perspectiveco/DfSONHh8lJ #agriculture #impinv #socinn — Rockefeller Fdn (@RockefellerFdn) August 6, 2013 Despite …
- PerspectiveThey debated ways that agriculture and finance working together could rapidly scale major innovations …