Our first issue of 2013 starts with three important topics that are recently receiving much attention, but whose consequences and dynamics are difficult to grasp. These three topics deserve another …
The Rockefeller Foundation recently concluded a three-year initiative focused on maximizing the number, quality and accessibility of green jobs in the United States. The Sustainable Employment in a Green US …
The Rockefeller Foundation seeks to help poor and vulnerable people benefit from more equitable economic growth and increased resilience in order that individuals, communities and systems can survive, adapt and grow in …
The Rockefeller Foundation’s Oceans & Fisheries work aims to increase the health and productivity of coastal fisheries by replacing unsustainable fishing practices with innovative approaches that recognize the full, long-term …
In the broader context of impact investing, Program-Related Investments (PRIs) enable foundations to make investments that generate both financial return and social impact. Although PRIs have existed for more than 40 years, …
Demand for evaluation services is growing in the impact investing industry. Yet, much of the evaluation community remains unaware of the industry and its performance assessment requirements. This paper proposes five channels, …
The concept and the practice of Impact Investing—or the placement of capital with intent to generate positive social impact beyond financial return—have grown and matured significantly over the past five years. In …
Based on the premise that international aid and public spending will never be enough to adequately fund and scale solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, the Rockefeller Foundation has, since 2008, …
This report, produced by Avasant and supported by The Rockefeller Foundation, is designed to enhance the understanding of the Impact Sourcing sector and specifically focuses on key initiatives that will help to develop …
Bus rapid transit (BRT) is increasingly being considered in cities across the United States as a reliable and cost-effective public transit mode. A large part of the appeal of BRT …