Aegis, a leading global outsourcing and technology player, seeks to broaden and diversify its workforce in South Africa by collaborating with impact sourcing and training organizations. By doing so, they've …
Leading impact sourcing services provider RuralShores seizes the opportunity to match global enterprises that need high-quality, low-cost services with rural communities in India that benefit from local employment.
Shared Journey: The Rockefeller Foundation, Human Capital and Development in Africa is one of six produced by the Foundation for our Centennial celebration—together, they tell the story of the Foundation’s work …
Pangea3 partners with impact sourcing provider B2R to deliver high-quality technical work within their client's budget—and they've discovered an alternate delivery model.
Six years into impact sourcing, Deloitte achieves its goals of a diverse workforce and lower costs in South Africa—with the added benefit of providing employment to disadvantaged individuals.
Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are an innovative financial tool to help state and local governments facing tough budget decisions fund critical social programs. In 2013, states face $85 Billion in federal …
The City Resilience Framework provides a lens through which the complexity of cities and the drivers that contribute to a city’s resilience can be understood. The 12 capacities in the 100RC …
Emerging Opportunities: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Tech-Enabled World, a discussion paper written by Linda Raftree and Michael Bamberger under a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation to Itad, provides an …
A leading call center in South Africa overcomes its talent shortage by setting up a training organization to provide skilled labor from an alternative talent pool.
Hot, humid days and nights contribute to heat stress, heat-related deaths, reduced labor productivity and can exacerbate poverty. While everyone can be negatively impacted by extreme heat, certain people such as …