This working paper addresses the gaps and opportunities between the approaches of traditional public sector and NGO program evaluation and the social impact measurement approaches of new market-oriented players. The authors …
Transforming Health Systems grants tackled four health systems concerns: stewardship and management, financing, information systems, and universal health care (UHC) policy and advocacy. In each target country, the grants provided …
As the threat of climate change increases, so do the risks for business; it is imperative that the private sector expands its engagement in building resilience in regions and communities …
Over the past century, The Rockefeller Foundation has remained true to the pursuit of health access for all mankind. We have helped to build and develop schools of medicine and …
The world's disadvantaged and vulnerable people often lack access to jobs that can help them earn income in order to support their well-being and the well-being of their families. Increasingly, …
This ‘resilience scan’ summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the third quarter (July- September) of 2015, focussing primarily on the context of developing countries. The scan …
El propósito de este informe es sintetizar los resultados de nuestra investigación de ocho meses sobre Proyectos de Mejora Pesquera (FIP, por sus siglas en inglés), para la cual hemos …
The purpose of this report is to synthesize the findings from our eight-month investigation of fishery improvement projects (FIPs), for which we conducted 30 site visits and over 140 interviews …
ENGAGE: How Funders Can Support and Leverage Networks for Social Impact draws on the experience and knowledge of over 40 leaders and practitioners in the field who are using networks …
Over the next 30 years, the global community has an extraordinary opportunity to erradicate extreme poverty. That will not be easy, given a global context where: two billion more people …