- Report
Covid-19 Testing in K-12 Settings: A Playbook for Educators and Leaders
A detailed, step-by-step playbook to help educators, leaders and their public health partners design and implement effective testing programs in schools.Download PDF
Reopening K-12 Schools
The Rockefeller Foundation, working with partners, have spent months issuing plans, studying guidance, surveying stakeholders, briefing policymakers, and supporting cities, suburbs and rural communities alike in their effort to reopen safely and equitably. By leveraging breakthroughs in test production, investing in protocols and infrastructure, and of course, prioritizing getting teachers vaccinated, we can minimize risks enough for everyone – teachers, parents, and staff– to trust being back in a classroom.
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Complementary Materials
To help operationalize the Playbook, The Rockefeller Foundation has commissioned Chiefs for Change, a network of school superintendents and state education leaders, to develop a suite of related Covid-19 testing tools and resources that are designed to support school districts across the nation in their reopening plans. In addition, the Foundation gathered additional examples and resources to equip school and school district leaders for the design and roll-out of their testing programs from our partners.