As we are gearing up for another year of building resilience and advancing inclusive economies around the globe, we asked our Twitter community (a wonderfully opinionated bunch if ever there was one) to share what they think will be the biggest ideas and trends driving progress in 2015.
Our staff joined the fray, offering wide and varied predictions, on issues ranging from social innovation to universal health coverage. If their response is any indication, 2015 is going to be a big year in the world of social change. Without further ado, here are The Rockefeller Foundation staff predictions for the #BigIdea that promises to transform 2015.
@RockefellerFdn Execution & scale make social #innovation matter – http://t.co/L1V5LZdqTe http://t.co/vz1NhCE4Pq #BigIdea #socent
— Zia Khan (@ZiaKhanNYC) January 13, 2015
@RockefellerFdn Quality, affordable health care for 7B people. Good for people; good for economies. http://t.co/STLxvhkofY #BigIdea
— Michael Myers (@Michael_Myers1) January 12, 2015
@RockefellerFdn Demand-side strategies to tackle #youth #unemployment http://t.co/494lK3D4Xk #BigIdea
— Abigail Carlton (@CarltonAbigail) January 12, 2015
@RockefellerFdn Resilience continues to spread from physical/disaster frame to transform economic/social: http://t.co/WAXvYA0q7u #BigIdea
— Kevin S. O’Neil (@kevinsoneil) January 12, 2015
@RockefellerFdn Diminishing the #nonprofit digital skills gap, and storytelling could lead the way. #BigIdea
— Jay Geneske (@jgeneske) January 12, 2015
@RockefellerFdn Novel #network approaches outside traditional insitutions 4 addressing cplx global problems http://t.co/IE6PmlHb2d #BigIdea
— Faizal Karmali (@faizalkarmali) January 12, 2015
@RockefellerFdn universal health coverage can transform and create more resilient societies #uhc #bigidea http://t.co/RQbhpzzU3T
— Robert Marten (@MartenRobert) January 12, 2015
.@RockefellerFdn Utilizing the sharing economy model to help build a more inclusive economy. http://t.co/Kka6cmQlg2 #BigIdea
— Jereme Bivins (@jcbivins) January 12, 2015
@RockefellerFdn Increasing resilience thinking in urban planning. http://t.co/GMBOBco93L #ResilientCities #BigIdea
— Gabriel Jacobs (@GabrielMJacobs) January 13, 2015
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