After more than eighteen months of webinars and "work from home" (WFH) during the pandemic, there is divergence of views emerging on whether or not physical human contact, conferences and meetings …
As the world prepares for the United Nations Climate Change Conference next month in Glasgow, Scotland, we must step back and look at the big picture. For nearly three decades, …
The newly enacted American Rescue Plan Act extended to Puerto Rico substantial amounts[1] of funding, to aid both the territory’s short-term recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and its long-term recovery …
I grew up in a small farm in eastern Kenya. My family planted various crops, hoping to boost our income. On one occasion, an extension agent brought us some seeds …
With nearly a third of the world’s population lacking steady access to adequate food, it’s no secret that our food systems are failing. As diet-related diseases skyrocket, global temperatures rise, and ecosystem …
The Covid-19 Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF) is an alliance of 16 governments, foundations, and investors, providing emergency capital to off-grid energy providers in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia in order …
SARS-CoV-2 has already mutated since it was first identified and will continue to do so.
Robust global genomic sequencing is the best tool for tracking existing variants and detecting …
Myths about Covid-19 vaccines abound: “The Covid-19 vaccines will make you infertile” “Covid-19 vaccines don’t work” “The government put a microchip in the Covid-19 vaccines” “The Covid-19 vaccines create variants” Each of those statements is …
As Covid-19 spread across the world last year, its impacts were fast and society-wide, ravaging health and livelihoods alike. The question quickly became: How can our societies respond with equivalent …
What if you made it much easier for workers of color to become business owners, and thus build wealth much faster? What if you offered creative, revenue-based loans to underserved …