How to Protect Densely Populated Slums from Covid-19
Hand-washing is a challenge and social distancing impossible in the Nairobi shantytown of Kibera, the largest urban slum in Africa. Often, eight people …
Abhinav Verma can pinpoint the day he realized that the team he leads in New Delhi, working over the last year under a Rockefeller Foundation grant to support the Health …
Shanti Chaganbhai Parmar knows the dangers of COVID-19. But she’s more frightened of what she will face if she can’t harvest her two acres of lush, fragrant cumin and a …
Some of the most exciting energy innovations today, from pendulum power to gravity lights, are being implemented down isolated dirt roads or across remote grasslands to communities living along the …
At the current spending levels, thinning overgrowth to decrease fire risks would take the Forest Service over 200 years. Our grantee steps in to fill the gap.
Without reliable electricity people stand little chance of earning a living and connecting into increasingly integrated supply chains and markets at home and around the world.
Through our Precision Public Health initiative, the Health team traveled to rural Rajasthan in November 2019 with our partner UNICEF, to learn from health workers, community members and local officials …
Over the last several years, The Rockefeller Foundation has worked with the Institute of Transformative Technology and Smart Power India to develop the world’s most affordable smart microgrid systems. The Institute …